大艺术家·唯漫时光 - 华夏天璟湾



人生三十而立,四十而不惑。三十岁前全部是加法,感情、事业、学历、人际关系、朋友,所有的加起来;到了四十岁,便是减法,将不是你心灵可以得到满足的东西和人尽量舍弃,这样会轻松很多。〔华夏天璟湾形象代言人 刘嘉玲〕

Man is established by 30, and has clarity at 40. Before their 30th year man is consumed with additions, of sentiment, career, education, relationships, and friends -- to add these all up. At 40 the art of reduction comes, to give up all those things and people inessential to satisfaction, thus making life much easier.(Liu Jialing)

大艺术家 -  唯漫时光


Huaxia Properties is in Kunming, Yunnan.  It is a development boutique that has developed high-end residential and urban commercial complexes, business offices, and hotel complexes. Customer expectations and positioning is running high for this Tianjing Bay project. The property image promotion and spokeswoman will be the famous actress Carina Lau. Why did we pick her? Looking back on the image Carina Lau made for herself in movies, for example her portrayal of Soong Mei-ling and Wu Zetian in a series of classic personages, and we want to imbue the project with her theatric artistry. We holistically evaluated the project’s needs, and we want for the concept of ingenious craftsmanship to permeate the project concept. We hope that for our future discriminating customers, that the Tianjing Bay will convey a new home experience. This time around we have considered a lot of details. These details are not for others to see and feel, but we hope that this diligence will touch their life experience. Our representative customer provides the owners with diligence, increasing the approval and diligence of our projects. This is our starting point. So, this is to say that our work in building functionality, techniques, and details will enable owners to feel the “ingenious craftsmanship” of Tianjing Bay. Huaxia Tianjing Bay is bringing the quality of life in Kunming to new heights!


自 知、自 乐、自 清



In this fast-paced environment, we seek some balance in the rat race, mutual emulation, and mutual following. Truly returning to reflect on what we think, or this kind of self-oriented view on life: Returning to reflections on self, and not mired in the judgment of other people. We do not go along with life, but rather choose how to live.  This is the meaning we wish to convey.



We take a proactive approach to life: With self-knowledge, self-fulfillment, and self-clarity, we feel and experience every passing genuine instant. Reconsider the possibility of returning to life, instead of going with the flow. Do not let our lives be a stage for others.


温 和、中 性、谦 和







When selecting materials, we first satisfy the tone and uniformity of the space. The materials feel mild, much closer to the temperament of human life. The atmosphere feels natural, abandoning excessive form and array, being closer to human living habits. Neutral colors are preferred, with fewer cold colors, which allows for a humbler state of life.


打 破、释 放、尊 重



The functionality breaks the original spatial configuration: The first floor was designed as the functional floor. For example, a study, tea area, and reception. The second floor holds the family living space. The floor functionality divisions primarily make the owner’s daily life and entertaining guests easier. The first floor is the functional area, the second floor is for living, and third for is the master bedroom. 




Because we have horizontal development limitations, we would also like to free up space for activities and terraces, which were considered in the design. There is also a floor where we could only design vertically due to limited horizontal space, creating a floor for family entertainment and a space for relaxation. Our design includes a private pool, party, entertainment, and cinema functional areas and entertainment spaces. Each division is clear, and this space is suitable to our life direction and actual needs.






有  限、真  实、家


What kinds of people social circles can attract. Products are limited, so it cannot be all-encompassing, it belongs to all. There are many emotions and feelings here. We hope that it can be more meticulous and imaginative within the space, without being over the top. It needs to be homelier, allowing for a good life and bringing out peoples’ personalities.


So, space load is limited and not infinite. This is a point for innovation in our thinking, changing the unbound into the limited. This shows how some people think, but not how all people think. As designers, we do not want to create the stage of life for our customers, but rather create a genuine home to return to. Time is fleeting, and romantic times and nature are not to be failed.

Romantic Times, wonderful enjoyment flowing in life, a genuine experience immersed in culture



Liu Weijun discusses the positioning of Huaxia Tianjing Bay

Huaxia Properties is in Kunming, Yunnan.  It is a development boutique that has developed high-end residential and urban commercial complexes, business offices, and hotel complexes. Customer expectations and positioning is running high for this Tianjing Bay project. The property image promotion and spokeswoman will be the famous actress Carina Lau. Why did we pick her? Looking back on the image Carina Lau made for herself in movies, for example her portrayal of Soong Mei-ling and Wu Zetian in a series of classic personages, and we want to imbue the project with her theatric artistry. We holistically evaluated the project’s needs, and we want for the concept of ingenious craftsmanship to permeate the project concept. We hope that for our future discriminating customers, that the Tianjing Bay will convey a new home experience. This time around we have considered a lot of details. These details are not for others to see and feel, but we hope that this diligence will touch their life experience. Our representative customer provides the owners with diligence, increasing the approval and diligence of our projects. This is our starting point. So, this is to say that our work in building functionality, techniques, and details will enable owners to feel the “ingenious craftsmanship” of Tianjing Bay. Huaxia Tianjing Bay is bringing the quality of life in Kunming to new heights!

项目主题: 那年明月花开时(大艺术家·唯漫时光)




创意出品:PINKI DESIGN(中国顶级地产知名设计品牌)


Danfu Lau 刘卫军


李莎莉 Shirly Lee
PINKI品伊国际创意 艺术总监



PINKI DESIGN刘卫军设计事务所(全球华人知名设计品牌)是PINKI品伊国际创意旗下18年顶级地产设计知名品牌。2000年,创立于国际设计之都深圳由全球华人室内建筑师、中国十大高端住宅设计师刘卫军先生主持创建并担任事务所首席创意总监。

基于“创新人文美学生活标杆”的品牌愿景,用设计复兴人文美学经典,经历18年地产设计创意实践,以地产营销会所、顶级别墅豪宅、文创艺术空间、文创主题酒店项目为主要业务范畴,已成功服务120余个地产开发城市配套服务商及地产行业客户,如金茂、中海、华夏、建发、万科、龙湖、万达、绿城、华润、保利、正荣、金地等地产合作伙伴;公司团队本着“以心为,由心造”的服务理念,将“快乐设计,快乐生活”的生活观融入创作中,如获得三度荣获素有亚洲室内设计奥斯卡之称的APIDA亚太室内设计大奖、APDC亚太设计精英邀请赛杰出设计大奖、APDC*IDA世界设计冠军联赛设计大奖、加拿大GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN设计大奖、台湾TAKAO室内设计大赏金奖在内的国际国内荣誉大奖超过160余项。

PINKI DESIGN 认为:没有什么比精神更值得保留,“以心为,由心造”,持之以恒以人的本心做设计,用独特的视角去创造!



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